At VBPS, we engage our children in lots of cultural activities like (annual day events, Indian festivals celebration, etc.). This assist our students to develop themselves in their field of choice and to develop organizational, presentation, leadership and interpersonal skill.
Involving in extracullicular activity besides academic. our children befitting in social skill, interpersonal skill and also it helps to strength and weaknesses of individual. This helps in setting goals, learning management skill and team work.
Our children significantly get involve in other activities like school trip, sports participation, science workshop, book fair, learning from nature programme. This help them exploring new interest, they find the thing they passionate about, they get a chance to interact new tool and technology. Many such activities help to build child’s self-esteem and confidence.
At Vinoba Bhave Public School, social activities are regular things which has been organized in form of group activities to learn more or social skills. Time to time school engages children in health workshop, plantation in school as well as nearby villages.
As sports activity and integrated participation improving our student's academic. Many outdoor games like cricket, football, basketball etc. improves children memory and reduce anxiety.